Posted by: christoschurch | December 23, 2008


Welcome to the official website/blog of Christos Church! We are a new house church plant located in Jeffersontown, Kentucky. We hope that our website is helpful as you explore what we are about as a church. We have included many informative pages and links describing everything from our vision, strategy, and beliefs to devotional material, prayer links, and ministry updates.

We would love for you to join with us at our next worship service or small group Bible study! We meet for worship every Sunday at 6pm. During this time, we enjoy a small meal, participate in the Lord’s Supper, spend time in prayer and singing, and listen to a sermon delivered by one of our elders.

We also meet on a regular basis to discuss how our Christian faith interacts with the surrounding culture. During this time, we enjoy snacks, refreshments, and fellowship. We watch a movie clip or television episode or discuss some relevant news in our culture and finish with a Bible study addressing the particular issue of the night.

We also take time every few weeks to serve our community. We are intentional about getting to know and serve our neighbors in any way we can. Our hope is that Jesus Christ would be exalted through us in our surrounding community and throughout the world.

We would love to see you at any one of our events! If you would like more information about our activities or worship times or would like directions to our meetings, please contact us at We would love to hear from you and serve you in any way that we can!
